Limited Edition Stanmore Speaker
Established in 1962 as an amplifier brand, Marshall has evolved into a rock 'n' roll icon over the past 60 years. To create a unique selling point for the Stanmore Speaker, I delved into the brand's rich history and conducted consumer research, aiming to appeal to Older Gen Z and Millennial music enthusiasts who appreciate Marshall's style.  Transforming its identity beyond amplifiers, Marshall now offers lifestyle products renowned for powerful audio experiences and a vintage yet modern aesthetic. The Limited Edition concept celebrates Marshall's 60-year journey through a carefully curated case study, reintroducing customers to the brand's heritage. Embracing a new dimension in my creative journey, this project marked my first exploration of 3D materials and Blender, highlighting the vintage style and unapologetic values that define Marshall's identity through sleek design and bold material choices. This approach aims to establish a deeper connection with the audience, merging the brand's history with a modern, distinctive product.